Pond Maintenance
Leave it to the pond experts.

Our Approach
We understand that life is busy, and relaxation
time is at a premium. Imagine coming home,
pouring a glass of wine, and sitting next to a
loved one, enjoying the sights and sounds of
your water feature.
Our Teammates
Unlike other companies who use temporary labourers, our
full-time year-round crew members have extensive experience
and knowledge in water features. We believe your feature
deserves reliable individuals who pride themselves in
providing exceptional service with a personal touch.
Our Relationship
We want to build a long-term relationship,
which cannot be achieved in just a single visit.
Your Maintenance Technician will get to know
you and the intricacies of your pond.
Comprehensive, full-season pond maintenance packages.
Keep your pond as it’s meant to be — relaxing.
Our full-season maintenance packages are tailored to give your pond elite service throughout the spring, summer, and fall, maintaining ideal water quality that’s safe for pets and wildlife.
Choose your package.
Our full-season packages ensure your pond thrives; whether we work together or our technicians take care of everything.
Let's work together to ensure your pond is the best it can be.
Includes spring clean-out,
maintenance visit
once every month
and fall shut-down.
We will do most of the work, you just have to help a little in between.
Includes spring clean-out,
maintenance visit
twice every month
and fall shut-down.
Just enjoy your pond! We will take care of every detail.
Includes spring clean-out,
maintenance visit
once every week
and fall shut-down.
Every Jackson Pond maintenance package includes...
Spring Clean-Out
Empty and clean feature thoroughly
Re-install pump, filter, ionizer, etc.
Move plants to correct location
Add de-chlorinator to new water
Deliver requested water treatments for the season
Appointment reminder and follow-up
Maintenance Visits
Clean pump, filter, skimmer, etc.
Inspect and adjust water level
Install any new plants
Prune aquatic plants (where applicable)
Perform visual inspection for leaks
Appointment reminder calls and follow-up calls
Fall Shut-Down
Prepare feature for winter
Remove pump, filter, ionizer, etc.
Blow water out of lines & cap (as required)
Install any necessary winter equipment
Clean and prepare equipment for storage
Appointment reminder call and follow-up call
Sign up for maintenance today.
To get started, fill out the form below, call 1.877.766.3833 or email info@jacksonpond.com.